Juf Nienke officially opened

1 May 2023

Residential building Juf Nienke in Amsterdam has been officially opened. Juf Nienke is a sustainable, energy-neutral residential building. It consists of 61 fully wooden rental homes for residents from education, the police and healthcare. The building was designed and built by RAU architects and SeARCH Architect, and has a circular and biobased approach.

Juf Nienke's design focuses on sustainability and comfort for the residents. The building is constructed from renewable materials and equipped with energy-saving technologies such as a geothermal heat pump and solar panels. The result is an energy-neutral building with a BREEAM certificate for sustainability.

Juf Nienke has a modular structure, which means that it can be easily adapted to changing needs. The building is flexible and can be easily dismantled and reused in the future.

The residential building offers a modern living environment with a communal courtyard, fitness studio and commercial spaces on the ground floor. Because the building is almost entirely made of wood, the building stores CO2, which actively contributes to a better climate and a healthy living environment.

Image: Stijn Poelstra fotografie & video
Opening Juf Nienke
Opening Juf Nienke

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